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For a new installation please answer as many of the following questions as possible in the Description box below, to help us assist you in the best possible manner.

•  Is your roof flat or pitched? Metal or tiles? Pitched roofs can reflect heat more easily than flat roofs and metal roofs tend to absorb heat more easily than tiles.

•  Are your floors carpeted, tiled, concrete or timber? Heat and cold air can penetrate through floor surfaces so different materials used on the floor have an impact on the insulation of your home.

•  How high is your ceiling? The higher the ceiling, the more internal area to cool or heat.

•  Is your house weatherboard, brick, double brick or concrete? The exterior surface of your house affects the temperature inside your house. For example, weatherboards absorb and transfer heat into the house faster than bricks or cement however, once brick and cement heat up they retain the heat for a longer period.

•  How many rooms do you want to cool? For multiple rooms, a multi-split or ducted system might be more suitable than a single head air conditioner.

•  Attach a plan or drawing of the room or areas of your home you want the air conditioner to cover. Make note of the size and orientation of rooms and windows within your house where the air conditioner is to be used. Remember that drapes, blinds and shady trees are all barriers to the elements.